Low Cost Car Rental Service

Finding an ideal car rental firm is not exactly a simple task. It is very easy to fall prey to unscrupulous businessmen who might take you for a ride. There are thousands of adverts in the classifieds of companies and firms purporting to deal with car rentals and offering the lowest rates coupled with excellent service. At this point in time, you might be confused and end up with a company that is not up to standard as concerns the business. Before you enter into any agreement with a rental firm, it is absolutely important that you scrutinize all the services that are being offered to you. One of the most important factors to consider is insurance. Get to know your credit card’s policy and also whether your existing auto insurance covers car rentals.

Most firms that are in the car rental business prefer the credit card mode of payment. This makes it easier for the company to charge for damages to their cars later on. It is therefore not advisable to use the debit card. This is because with a debit card, it will be very hard for you to know how much you were charged for the use of their cars. A credit card will enable you to pinpoint exactly how much you paid which is not immediately possible with a debit card. It is also very important to clarify from your credit card company whether they have provisions for automatic insurance for car rentals should you pay for the rental with that card. You might stumble upon a very interesting revelation.

Be on the lookout for car rental companies insisting on the purchase of a full tank of gas before they give you the car. They might argue that you have the leeway of returning the car on an empty tank. But come to think of it, how many miles would you need to do so that you consume an entire tank of gas? The truth is that you might never get anywhere near finishing that gas within the time frame that you want to use the car. Do away with that offer and instead insist on filling up the tank just before you return the car. Finding cheap gas won’t be a problem and you will only pay for what you have actually used.

Ensure that you are the one actually driving the car as some companies will only rent out the car to over 25 years old. As such, you do not want your 21 year old pal to be on the wheel and then cause an accident which you will be held wholly liable. Use the internet for your search and be safe.

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