What Harley Davidson Needs To Do To Reduce The Average Age Of Its Customer Base

The increase of average age of its customer base is one of the main problems that Harley Davidson is facing today. With younger generation having lots of option in terms of competition for Harley Davidson, Harley Davidson need to take some immediate measures to decrease the average age of its customer base. Here are few things if managed can attract more young customers.

Need to concentrate more over bike

No doubt that Harley Davidson has built a classic brand. Harley Davidson is not just a motorcycle manufacture but it’s a life style. The accessories, collectibles, the communities and events from Harley make it a life style of its own. It’s always a craze to sport a Harley Davidson helmet stickers, stickers on electronic devices, bikes etc. So does the Harley Davidson patches for jackets and bikes in attracting its fans. But Harley needs to do is to concentrate more on bike rather than diverting its concentration towards other things. The simple thing over here is ‘quality promotes itself’. The Japanese and German bikes with its great power, quality and reliability have eaten the market share of Harley Davidson already. So it’s high time that Harley Davidson need to concentrate more over bikes and get into serious research to make it more suitable for younger generations.

Competitive prices

When a person thinks of bike for long drives, he seldom looks at the cost of the bike, but worth of it. HD is no doubt a luxury brand. But bikes of same or better quality available at lesser or same price from competition makes the going tough. HD needs to think of its pricing a little bit.

Become customer friendly

Many customer and consumer forums report of Harley Davidson not sticking to warranty conditions. Even if they do, some customers are really not satisfied with that. Even though there are issues with other brands as well. It’s a right chance for Harley Davidson to recapture its market.

Being said that Harley Davidson no doubt has improved really well in terms quality and reliability over a period of time. These simple things would take it back to top position once again.

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