Making the Most Out of Your Craft Punches

Craft punches are very useful and are very popular among scrapbooking and paper craft enthusiast. These crafting tools are fairly easy to use and are available in a number of attractive options. Another great thing about them is that there are certain ways to make the most out of your paper punches. Following these steps will in turn help you keep them in good working condition for a long time. Here are some tips on how to properly use these amazing paper punchers.

If you’re using it for the first time, or if the puncher has been sitting around in your desk for quite a long time, always punch empty several times to loosen it. Punchers are made of metal, and temperatures often affect the puncher’s performance. That being said, it is often quite hard to operate on the first use or if it hasn’t been used for a while. Before using it on your scrapbook or paper craft project, punch through some scratch paper first. Whether you have flower paper punches or other types, punching it through a thin paper is advised. This will help loosen the craft puncher and make it work smoother.

It is also good to note that, while punchers can generally be used on different types of paper, there are certain types of paper that work best with punchers. The best material is always plain regular paper. This material will produce crisp punched shapes since they are not too hard or too thin. Another great paper material to use is a card stock. This is not as hard as a regular card but it is harder than the typical paper. Remember not to use your puncher on materials that are too thick or too strong. This will damage your puncher’s springs and will misalign its mechanisms.

If in case your puncher gets jammed even if you think it was used properly and with care, place it in your freezer or fridge for a while. Sometimes the warmth in your home can cause the puncher’s metal parts to expand and cause jams. This is true for McGill paper punchers, as well as for other brands of paper punch sets.

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